Saturday, January 29, 2011


Wow we had such a beautiful day! The boys worked outside raking leaves and trimming bushes. We had a project to do for an elderly lady in town. We took the boys and went to rake her yard and clean up around her house. God blessed us with such a gorgeous day to do these projects. I was watching the boys, they would rake a pile of leaves and then just pick them up and throw them at each other. It's amazing that you can put 6 boys in a cottage and they can still get along and have fun together. They enjoyed the day outside and I think the fresh air did us all some good. I tried to play soccer with one of the boys but I was not good at that! LOL. I did enjoy watching the other boys play though. I watched one of the boys who recently earned driving priveledges, drive the farm tractor. It was really funny. He was singing the song; I'll take you for a ride on my big green tractor, and just trucking right along. We are fixing to head out the door now. We are taking the boys bowling. (Another sport I'm not good at.) I'm glad we were blessed with such a beautiful day. Can you imagine God just breathed life and so it was! With all the sin and destruction in the world, I'm so glad we still can take time to admire the beauty and enjoy God's precious creation. Thank you Lord for being so forgiving and allowing us to enjoy such a wonderful day together. God is good!!


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