Wednesday, December 29, 2010



We went yesterday and had a visit at The Boys Ranch in Harrison. It is a beautiful place! When you drive in you see a big welcome sign and then you pull up a little farther and you see an iron cowboy kneeling at a cross with his horse behind him. I have that same logo on a plate on the front of my truck with the exception of where the horse is I have written, "Forgiven." When you get on the top of the hill you see the cottages up on a larger hill. We got settled in to our guest quarters, which by the way was extremely nice and felt like home, and then off we went to visit cottages. The first cottage we went to the boys were playing video games. Surprise! Yep, their favorite thing to do here to. The fireplace was crackling and dinner was cooking. I looked out the window of the home and as far as you could see, it was just mountains. God's country. We visited a little while and then headed for the next cottage. The kids were really awesome kids. This morning we got up and visited the chapel. It was beautiful. Again, windows everywhere and mountains as far as you could see. I just sat on the pew and looked at the mountains. God created such an awesome earth. We visited their recreational room and their gym. It was very nice and reminded me a lot of ours. There's something about kids running all over the place in kayos that just puts a smile on my face. Yea, I know. Weird. But a blessing that God has given me. We went back up to one of the cottages and spoke with the house parents. They all were so nice. I told one of them that I was so pleased to see that the cottage felt so much like "home". She said; If there's one thing that these kids remember when their gone, I want them to remember that at one time, they had a real family.  God Bless you and have a great night.

First thing you see when you drive up to the Boys Ranch

                                         Entrance to The Boys Ranch
                                      Cottages on the hill
                                     Guest quarters where we stayed
                                  Beautiful Chapel with Awesome view

                                          HP Relief quarters
We had a great trip and are so blessed that we were able to visit at The Boys Ranch

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