Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Why am I here? I asked myself that question when I was battling with some issues and missing my family. Why am I here? My son is having a hard time and misses his friends. This ministry is so difficult at times. But I'm here because God sent me here. He did not say; Denise, because you are working for me, I'm going to give you the easiest ministry I have to give.  He said; Go Denise. This is where I want you to serve me. You will struggle and you will face criticism but stay strong in your faith for I will be with you.  The mountain will be tough to climb at times but do not give up, I will be holding the rope at the other end. That is why I'm here. My walk for the Lord started when I was 13 years old. I was raised by a father who also served the Lord. He was a Baptist pastor and raised us up in church. When the church door was open, we were there. I remember laying on the Pugh crying because I had an ear infection and my daddy made me go to church. Now, I can thank him for that. One Sunday I heard my dad preach a sermon on Jesus coming back to get his children in this Hugh cloud. Well, I was on the school bus on my way home from school. Back then (I know...I had to walk up hill both ways and a gallon of gas was 37 cents) the school bus did not stop at each driveway. It would stop at every 3rd driveway or so and then you would walk back to your house. Well this particular day we were on the bus and  I looked out the window and seen this Hugh cloud forming over the bus. (Now I know it was a rain storm) I went in to panic mode. Oh my goodness! God is coming, and I'm not saved and he's going to leave me behind. Well, that bus could not reach my house fast enough. I got off the bus and ran back to my house crying and said; Daddy, Jesus is coming and I'm not saved!  I'm going to be left behind and I want to go to heaven. My daddy took me in his room and we knelt by his bed and that is when I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. That was the most precious gift my daddy could have ever shown me. At the feet of Jesus was a life of eternity with my God. Well, I could not wait to get to school the next day and tell everyone about my Jesus. I was witnessing to everyone in the cafeteria. One girl came to know Christ in that cafeteria that day. :) I wished I could learn how to keep that fire. I am working on that within myself. "SET MY SOUL ON FIRE LORD!" Through the years I did stray from that rugged cross a time or two. Thank the good Lord he is a forgiving God. I was able to come back to him and ask forgiveness for what I'd done and God welcomed me back into his arms. Now I'm here at ABC Homes to help someone else do the same thing. God has really been impressing upon my heart to share his word and get it out there that it's OK that you have strayed. He just wants you to ask forgiveness of your sins and come back to him. I don't know who this is for, or who God is using me to talk to, but I know you are reading this and you know who you are....and so does God. God loves you so much and is waiting for you to call upon his name. He is the "I am", the Lord of all, the creator, the forgiver, the merciful Lord and Savior and he loves you. He forgave me after all I had done and he still continues to forgive me for my mistakes everyday. Thank you Lord for your forgiving mercy. I am here to help you and I am here to help these kids. God is here to help me and he will provide me with strength and guidance to do what he needs me to do. I am here because God asked me to be here. Listen to what God has to say to you and no matter what he is calling you to do, go. Go and do what God ask of you and you will find peace like you've never known before. We love you and pray for you. God bless you always.

                            LAMENTATIONS 3:32-33


  1. Denise you need to write a book. Everything you write about is encourging, simple and very uplifting. I enjoy reading about your life.
    Love you guys.

  2. Love you and John too Mrs. Hazel. Thank you!

  3. Nesie. I was so blessed this morning to turn on my computer and to see the post you had written.
    I just want you to know how much it blessed my heart and for sharing, again, your testimony. Seems over the years we tend to forget things and I had forgotten how you came to know our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh how it blessed me to read of it and I just want to tell you that you are such a blessing to this family with all you and Gary are doing. Love you so much. MOM
