Sunday, December 26, 2010


Can you believe that Christmas came and went so fast. Still doesn't even feel possible. My prayer is that I can keep the Christmas giving spirit all year long. It's an awesome feeling knowing that you made someones day with such a small gesture. It's so easy to do yet sometimes so hard for us to continue. It's sometimes easier just saying; "I just don't have enough time in the day." I'm guilty of that all day long! Be in prayer of that for me. I would love to change that about myself. Gary is preaching at 2nd baptist tonight. Please be in prayer that God is able to use him as he needs to so that someone might come to know him as their personal savior. Continue to pray for the kids. Some of them had a hard time not being with their family for the holidays. We tried to make it as much like home as possible, but it's just not the same if your moms not there with you. There's this slogan; 'Home is where your heart is'. I think it should be 'Home is where you mom is.' Mom's seem to make everything better. I know my mom does. My mom is coming to see us and the boys today. We are all so excited. We heard through the grapevine that there were cookies coming. Yea! We had a great Christmas with the boys and had a wonderful Christmas dinner. We had a Nerf gun war in the gym, played the Wii and watched movies. It was so cold outside but it didn't seem to bother the kids. Especially Ethan.  He rode his 4 wheeler all day! That little man has already gone through 2 tanks of gas since yesterday morning. I'm just glad he likes it and is having some fun. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year is a great one for all. God bless you and thank you for your much needed prayers!


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