Saturday, December 4, 2010


Geyer Springs Baptist came today. They had 3 big vans and several cars full of kid's that wanted to spend some time with the kids here. The praise and worship team from Geyer Springs were these beautiful bright eyes girls and boys that had the voice of angels. They sang Christmas carols and put on a puppet show. It was really a lot of fun. They brought each of the kids Christmas gifts and it was so much fun watching them open up all their gifts. Ethan got a fishing pole and fishing tackle from a kid named Riley. He can't wait to go fishing! Riley hung out with Ethan and watched him open his gifts. I think it was just as much fun for Riley as it was for Ethan.  He also got a sleeping bag, guitar strings and picks. Several of the kids got fishing poles, Bibles with names engraved, jackets, scooters and comforters for their beds. They were all so excited! Geyer Springs served us cookies and drinks during the party. It was a great time. I am so thankful that these God loving people devoted their time and money to ABC Homes. They made our kids feel special and started the Christmas season off with a blast! Thank you for everything Geyer Springs. God bless you always!


  1. Thank you so much for posting! Riley gave this address and I am so glad I looked it up. One thing though, I know Riley was more excited than Ethan! He loves to see them get what they asked for! Thank you for all you do! We think and pray for you often.
    Angie (Riley's mom)

  2. Riley is such a sweet boy. Ethan has really had a hard time adjusting to his new life here and he seemed to really bond with Riley. Thank you for letting him come and thank you for getting Ethan what he wanted. Maybe Riley can come back sometime and they can go fishing together.
