Monday, February 14, 2011


Human definition: LOVE-strong affection for another.
God's definition: LOVE.......

For God so LOVED the world,
(God loved us before we were born)
that he gave his only begotten son
(God sent his son to die for us)
that whosoever believeth in him
(anyone who calls on his name in faith)
should not perish but have everlasting life.
(we will not be sent to a Devil's hell. We will spend eternity with our father in heaven)
John 3:16

I am so thankful that I have the Love of my Savior. The kind of Love that's unconditional and never fails. The kind of Love that God would give his son to die for us. Wow! Would you give one of your children to die so that someone could go to Heaven? To be honest, I would have to say no. It would be impossible for me to say; Here's my son. You can take him and crucify him so that the guy who lives next door can go to Heaven. God has that kind of Love for us. A great and awesome Love. Thank you Lord for Loving me so much!

You won't be disappointed. His Love will never die. He will be there whenever you need him! A promise from God!

To all my friends and family. I Love you very much! (But Jesus Love's you more.) God Bless you!

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