Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Have you ever become so wrapped up in trying to help other's that you didn't realize that the people closest to you are in need of help even more? I know you have heard the saying: 'Clean your own back yard first'! Sometimes I get so busy helping the kids here that I forget about my own children and their needs. I am guilty of thinking that my home is safe from the Devil and it's the kids in my cottage that need my help. Recently, I became so busy and wrapped up in what was going on in the cottage, that I didn't realize one of my own kids needed me more. A child hurting, no matter the age, crying out for help can be easily overlooked by the busyness in the day. Lesson learned.....the hard way! I am going to make sure my own house is well before I try to fix another. I pray that God helps me always focus on what is more important in my life. My family and my own kids. I never want my children to say that they didn't have a mother who loved them or did not listen to them. Always take time to stop during the day and make that phone call to your child. Knock on their bedroom door and ask them how their day was. Tell them you love them. God bless you!

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