Saturday, July 30, 2011


We have been gone from ABC Homes for about 3 weeks now. We did get custody of a young man from the home. He is the guy on the right. His name is Jackie. He is 17 yrs old. He came to the home about 2 weeks before we did in October last year. When we came to the home we became his relief house parents. He was not saved and was set on serving his 6 months in the home and then going back to his lifestyle. He loved what he was doing in his life and he just wanted to go back to where he was comfortable. One day Jackie asked me if when he died, could he go to Heaven and ask God to be one of the devils demons. I was floored. I told him no. It did not work like that. I told him that he would go to hell and burn with the others that did not know Christ. Over the months Jackie began to ask more and more questions about God. We told him that God was much stronger than the devil and has so much more power than the devil. That seemed to interest him. Over the months each Sunday I would watch him during the invitational song. He was holding onto the pew so hard that you could not have torn him away if you had to. But one day, the Holy Spirit did. Jackie released his hold on that pew and took off like a rocket down that isle. Jackie got saved and became a soldier for Christ. Jackie stayed in his Bible learning everything he could about Jesus. He got in trouble a few times for staying up so late reading his Bible. LOL. He would not go to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning and he was getting really tired in school. Jackie has since preached in a couple of churches and has joined our family in seeking God's will for our lives. Since the day he moved in with us, every morning he gets up and hugs me and tells me how much he loves us and is so happy with his new family. I know Jackie is going to do great things for God and I am honored that God has allowed my family to be part of that. Gary and I have gone back to our jobs that we had before we went to the children's ministry. Gary is going to a church in Tiller in view of a call tomorrow so please be in prayer for that. We want to be in God's will always. Please continue to pray for our family as we seek God's will and we will keep you updated. Thank you and God bless you! 

1 comment:

  1. We miss you so much. I am glad you are doing your blog. I want to know what you are up to and what God is doing in your life. We love you.
