Sunday, August 7, 2011


Normal defined in the Webster dictionary as; having a straight-line structure.
My husband told me today that we are going back to living a "Normal" life. I said; What's normal?
He said; a regular job and a regular home. We have been living with so many teenage boys for so long, that I have forgotten what "Normal" is really like. The process of getting there seems a little scary. We have only been doing full-time ministry for a couple of years but I find it hard to focus on something besides a ministry for God. I'm not sure what normal is, but I am sure that God is going to take care of us and plant us exactly where he wants us to grow. Please pray for us as we seek God's will for our lives. Maybe "Normal" won't be so bad after all. I love you Lord and I know you have great plans in store for our family. God bless you!

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