Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We are on our way to watch one of the boys play his first soccer game. I am really excited. I have never seen a live soccer game. I'm even more excited because this morning this kid was supposed to leave. He did not want to be here and he requested to leave. Gary and I (and several others) asked him to not go. We can see this kid slowly making progress. We told him we loved him and he was worth being loved. We just let him know that he would be missed if he left. Of course we have our own selfish reasons for not wanting to see him leave. He is not saved and we didn't want to see a kid walk away that did not come to know Christ while he was here. I know eventually it's going to happen, but I don't like it and I didn't want it to happen to him. Please pray for him. We hope God puts so much conviction on him that he can't sleep! Until then.....we will watch him play soccer.

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