Friday, March 25, 2011


We are all still on spring break and it definitely has felt like spring. God has given us the perfect weather to enjoy the outdoors. Yesterday the guys hung out at the park and then we had a campus baseball game in the afternoon. That was a lot of fun for all of us. Everyone was a winner! We have a gentleman at church that has a cabin on a pond and he invited us to come and stay there with the boys. So last night we packed up our cottage and IB cottage and we headed for the woods. We sat around a camp fire and roasted wieners and marshmallows. It was a beautiful night outside and we enjoyed it so much. The young man in our cottage that recently surrendered to preach gave a devotional for us. He preached on Noah getting consumed by the whale and even amidst his troubles, God showed him how much he loved him. Some of the boys got in on the conversation on how they know God loves them. It was really nice just sitting around the camp fire enjoying talking with everyone. Before I knew it, it was late and time to head back home. Today the guys went to Pine Bluff with Gary and then came back and helped do some mulching. This evening we are all going to Ethan's first baseball game. This will be the first time he has had 6 brothers cheering him on. I'm sure he will enjoy that. I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous day. May God bless you!

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