Sunday, March 13, 2011


We watched the movie "A thief in the night" with the boys last night. I haven't seen it since I was about 12 years old. It still has the same impact on me today as it did when I was a little girl. It starts out with people that arent' saved and some come to know Christ. Then the rapture happens. It shows the one woman left in bed alone and the lawn mower running with no one holding it. Then it shows that there really is no place to hide. The new government numbers your forehead or your hand and if you refuse, you die. If you have not seen it, I would say get on the Internet and order it. It's worth watching and it will make you think twice about how you are living you life. The boys really enjoyed it and want me to get the series for them. Life impacting movies. Get prepared.....because God is coming back!

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