Friday, April 29, 2011

Are you an Anchor?

Well, I walked 10 miles today. And as I normally do, I talked to God most all the way. I asked God to help me be more of a witness in this ministry. I passed a man on side of the road. He was dirty and was pushing an older bicycle. He was searching the ditches for treasures. I stop and said hello to him. He smiled and said hello. It was almost as if he was surprised I said something to him. It was then that God told me I was being an anchor. Normally being an anchor would be good right? Your standing your ground, solid as a rock. Well, it did not seem that way to me. God told me that I needed to be mobile. I was sitting at the Home waiting on kids to come to me so I could witness to them. God told me to pull up my anchor and go. Go out into the streets and tell people about me. Stop sitting still and waiting on the children to come to you. So, I am going to practice more on not being an anchor. I need to serve God all over town. Recently, I have been thinking about getting more quality time with my husband. That's hard to do when you have a house full of teenage boys. And then it hit me like a brick. I remembered reading in the Bible, a devotion for couples. I thought, what better way to come closer together than to study God's word. So, starting this week, Gary and I have devoted 30 minutes daily for us to sit down and have a couple Bible study between the two of us. I am very excited about that as well. I hope you have a great day. Pick up your anchor today and go out and witness for God. Don't wait on them to come to you. There are so many people that need to hear about Christ.

Thought for the day: What does it profit a man to gain the world.....but lose his soul.

You can't take any of it with you. But God will give you riches in eternity. Sound like a no brainier to me.

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