Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Friday and we are back on duty. The boys are home doing their study hall and then we are going to work on some chores. We have a Volleyball game tonight in our gym. It's staff at ABC Home against the kids here. The kids are probably going to kick our tale. LOL Especially after today. Me and the new relief house parent walked 5 miles today! YEA!! I hear Tylenol PM calling me tonight. :) We have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow we have a golf tournament and have a bunch of golfers coming to have lunch with us. Our friends Stephanie and Shane are coming to hang out with us. We are excited about their visit.  Sunday we have 4 different groups coming to hang out and do some volunteer work on campus. We will probably be non-stop after tonight. Pray for lots of rest for us and pray that the kids don't stomp on us too hard tonight during Volleyball. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I probably broke a bone. LOL Love you guys and hope you have a great weekend! May God bless you always and may you find peace in his hands.

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