Monday, April 25, 2011


For the first time since my daddy died  (4 1/2 years ago) we got to ride in his car today. A restored '49 Dodge. It was great! My mom, brother, 2 sisters and me got in the car and took it for a spin. It was an emotional ride. My sister and I felt like our daddy was riding right beside us. I just kept looking at the car remembering my daddy sanding inch by inch. He was so picky about how you sanded the car too. I learned that the hard way. LOL Lyndsie and I helped him sand the car one day. We had no ideal you could sand a car too deep. As much as my dad loved that car, he seen our sanding job and said; well, you sanded a little too deep. But I can fix it. He never asked us to help sand again though.. LOL
I miss him tons and I am so jealous that I can't be in Heaven with him, but I know one day I will be reunited with him. We took 9 of the teenage boys home with us for Easter. 4 of them stayed at my brother's house and 5 of them stayed at my sister's. It was really nice sharing the day with them. They played X-Box, basketball, pool and watched movies. They all really seemed to have a good time and that was important to me. We took them to our home church for Easter. Between them and my siblings I think we filled 3 pews. That was pretty awesome! Bro. Larry brought a wonderful sermon as usual. I don't think any of the kids slept through it. LOL It was a great weekend. One of those weekends that you will always remember. :)
I hope you enjoyed your time this Easter. I hope you got to spend it with your family and I hope you cherished every moment.  God bless you!

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