Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today we went and got Jackie and Ethan registered for school. I can't believe it's time for the kids to go back to school already. It seems like they just got out! I am excited for Jackie. Jackie will be going to Bryant High School. He seems to be thrilled to be able to go to such a large school. He is excited about witnessing to all the kids. Jackie handed out flyer's to mow yards. He has gotten 5 clients in our neighborhood. He loves making money! LOL. Lyndsie is enrolled in Pulaski Tech and is starting her semester. She got a job at Petco and she really seems to like it. She has worked 40 hours a week the last two weeks. She said the manager told her she was doing a great job! Ethan is glad to be back home as well. He has expressed how hard the ministry was on him and how much he missed his mom and dad while we lived there. He needs mommy and daddy time so we have really been focusing on spending time with him. He will start school at Salem this year and he is very excited about seeing his old friends. I know God is just getting started in this new phase of our lives and we are very excited about what he is going to do in our future. Gary is still with the concrete company. He is really enjoying the group he is working with and has had the chance to witness to someone, which thrills him. We know God has good things in store for our family. We will keep the faith....and God will take care of our needs. May God bless you always!

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