Saturday, April 23, 2011


We are having an Easter egg hunt today. There is a group coming and they are going to hide about 1000 eggs. The kids are going to dye the eggs at 10:00 AM and then we are going to have lunch. We will have the Easter egg hunt around 1:30 PM and then we are going to leave for Benton around 3:00 PM. We are going to have a busy weekend! We are going to Benton with the boys to visit our family and go to Crystal Hill Baptist Church for Easter services. I am so excited about seeing my family and visiting my friends at church! I hope you all have a happy Easter and remember why you are celebrating. Jesus suffered for us and died upon that rugged cross. But most importantly......he has risen...... JESUS LIVES!........ He lives so that you can spend eternity with him. If you don't know him as your personal Savior, don't wait! He loves you so much and he is waiting for you to come to him. What better time to accept him as your Savior....on the day he arose for you! God bless you.

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