Thursday, April 28, 2011


One of the new relief house parents and I have been walking a lot recently. We are up to 8 1/2 miles a day and I just marked out our 10 mile walk yesterday. I plan on starting the 10 miles today. Pray for me. :)
Usually on our walk we pass Sonic. It's the last 2 miles of our walk. We will stop and get something to drink and eat the ice the rest of the way home. For about 2 months now we have seen a smiling face. This nice man brings us our drinks almost every time and always has the most beautiful smile on his face. I told him one day that I loved his smile. I said; It just lights your face up and it's so beautiful. Heather (the new relief house parent) and me were talking about his smile. I said; you know, he could be going through something terrible but he always has a smile on his face. She and I decided that next time we went by Sonic we were going to ask him what his story was. We walked by the next day and stopped. Sure enough, he brought us our drinks with a smile on his face. Heather asked him how old he was because she was looking for friends her age since she was new in town. He said; I'm new in town too. I said, where did you come from. He told us where he came from. I asked him what brought him to the little town of Monticello. He said; my mom and dad died and I moved here to be with the rest of my family. We finished talking with him and he walked away with that gorgeous smile on his face. I just looked at Heather and said; Wow, he's going through that traumatic experience and yet he can still manage to always wear that smile! We as Christians should always have a smile on our face. God is our strength and we know we can always count on him to carry us through. So why are we not smiling all the time. Try wearing a smile today. No matter what is bothering you, think about our Sonic friend. You know your God is bigger than any problems that you may have. If our Sonic friend can wear a smile through the death of 2 parents, we surly can do it with the help of our Lord and Savior. SMILE PRETTY may give you an opportunity to share Jesus with someone.

                                                                     Proverbs 15:13

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