Sunday, April 17, 2011


The Prom is over. The kid's had a great time! The Prom started at 8:00 PM. They went to dinner in Pine Bluff, went to Prom and then they came home around 12:30 AM and changed clothes to go to the after Prom party. They came home from that at 3:45 AM. There were some really tired boys (and I'm sure girls too) trying to keep their eyes open in church this morning. One of the boys won an I Pad at the Prom party. It's a really nice prize. They danced the night away and had a really good time. They all looked so nice and seemed very excited. I'm glad Prom's only happen once a year because I was really tired this morning. I did not want to get up either! I am very thankful though that I got to see everyone dressed up and looking so great. It made my night to see the smiles on all their faces and the excitement in them. God has really blessed me with so much through these kids and I am so grateful to be a part of this ministry. Please pray for one of our student's grandmother's. She is ill and dying with cancer. They don't expect her to live through the weekend. He got the phone call on the way to Prom and he could really use your prayers for him and his family. God bless you and thank you for being so faithful to pray for us!

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