Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Off to Washington!

Ephesians 1
22And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.
Ephesians 4
4There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

In our Sunday school class we are doing an inductive study on Ephesians and wow is God blessing my socks off with this study! Everything is under His feet and He is head over everything.
This past week I traveled to Washington DC. I had never been there before and also I was meeting some people that I had not met before. We were traveling to speak on residential care and foster care, to our government. I was so honored to be a part of it. I was thinking forward about the city and thinking about the metro that I had never been on and speaking to congress and their staff was a challenging thought too. The Sunday before I left, my ladies in my Sunday school class laid hands and prayed with me and I constantly was thinking about the prayers of Gods people and that I was smothered and covered with them. There was a confidence and peace that came over me while I was there. We had a meeting ( the pic of me at the table) at 11 , before the larger meeting and it was with the woman that writes the laws, it went so well! The five minutes I had to speak, in the larger meeting at 1 PM, was wonderful and everything I thought that I might not get it, was placed in my speech very nicely. Only God could of done that.
I was around a diversity of people and God allowed some sweet friendships to form and I cannot wait to see them again!
God has everything in His hands and we just have to be obedient to each next step, no matter if it doesn’t fit into what you think you were supposed to do. Because, I am a testimony that God will use anyone that is willing to be used for His glory.
Savannah quote for the week: We were walking into her school yesterday and she had picture day, she was wearing some new shoes and she didn’t care for the fit. As she was walking in, she shared her dislike for the shoes and then said “ Great, now I am going to be walking like a turtle all day”. This was added cute because she is four and she was walking really funny! :) Of course we brought her extra shoes but the things kids say…..

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