Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Another busy weekend coming up. Prom is this weekend. We have 4 boys out of our cottage going. I can't wait to see everyone dressed up and ready for prom. I am really looking forward to it. God is so good and working in these children's lives so much. I am so thankful to be a part of what God is doing here. I was walking today and thought about all the beautiful things I was passing. Do you really know how much God loves you? I have something I am going to share with you in the morning. It's going to take me a while to get it done, but I think it will help you realize how much God loves you. Even if you think you know....please take time to read it anyway. It really made me stop and think and now I look at things a little different than I used to. I can't wait to share it with you. Go out today and enjoy the beautiful day God has given us. Stop and think about what God given us. Even the simple things, like flowers and ladybugs. I hope you can experience today, looking in a new way, what God has blessed us with. Love you guys and hope you come back tomorrow to read what I have about God's love. Please pray for prom weekend. God bless you!

God's love to be continued tomorrow.....hope you can come back and receive a blessing.

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