Saturday, April 9, 2011


We had a wonderful day. We had a good turn out of golfers that came to have lunch with us. The boys did a great job getting everything set up and prepared for lunch. Shane did an awesome job with the burgers and hot dogs. He was a trooper cooking for all the guest and ABC Home residents. We appreciate them very much for providing lunch for everyone. We really appreciate our sponsors. This ministry would be nearly impossible without them. Thank the good Lord that there are people that still care about others. As hard hearted as the world is becoming, we as Christians need to stand strong for each other. We appreciate all who support us in every way, especially by prayer. I have pictures of the day that I will post tomorrow. I hope you have a good day in the Lord's house tomorrow. If you can't visit with God in church, visit with him where ever you may be. God bless you!

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