Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Those of you who know me personally, know that my daddy passed away of cancer 4 years ago. Before he found out he had cancer, we moved in a home next to his. He was helping us remodel the home and went down to the local flooring store and purchased a roll of linoleum to put in our kitchen and bathrooms. We spent a couple of weeks painting and laying floor before we moved in the home. My daddy worked in that home more than we did. I miss my daddy and think of him almost everyday. 4 years have gone by and it still  seems like I could just pick up the phone and call my daddy. But I can't because heaven doesn't have a phone. Now we are here at ABC Home working with kids. My master key to the cottage broke so I went to the office to get another one. One of the office staff ladies told me that she did not have an extra key and she asked me if I would run down to the paint supply store and have some made. I got in my truck and went down to the supply store. I walked in and almost reached the counter before I looked to my left and seen this.........
There rolled up on the floor was a hugh roll of the linoleum exactly like the one my dad had picked out for our home. I walked past the man at the counter and went straight to the roll of linoleum. I just stood there looking at it. I guess the roll was probably 15 feet long. All I heard was a voice say; I love you this much! And I imagined my daddy standing there with his arms stretched out the length of the roll of linoleum. I just stood there smiling at the flooring. I guess the man in the store probably asked me a couple of times could he help me, before I actually heard him. I had tuned out everything around me except my daddy's voice in my ears. I got the keys I needed and looked back at the roll of linoleum before I left the store. I got in my truck and realized I still had the biggest smile on my face. God had just reminded me that he loves me so much..............and so does my daddy.

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