Monday, April 4, 2011


My beautiful kids!

Ethan had a great birthday party. Lot's of kids from the campus came and we hung out and played basketball. My mom, sister and nephew came and we enjoyed visiting with them. They did a room makeover for me. I have some picture's of that I will show you tomorrow. My sister placed trick candles on Ethan's cake. But he managed to finally get them all blown out! He had to do some huffing and puffing though. LOL We had a really good time and appreciate all who came and those who thought about us to help Ethan have a special day!

My beautiful mother! 
                                                             Paige, Lyndsie's roommate
                                       He blew and blew and BLEW!
                                                            Gotta love some sonic!
                                            My sister and Lyndsie
                                        You know you love me!

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