Sunday, April 10, 2011


We had a great day hanging outside visiting with everyone. It was a beautiful day and the golfers had the perfect weather to hit a hole in one. Although I don't think anyone did. All the golfers finished their game and then came and had lunch with us. After lunch they were presented with trophies and other items. I took pictures so you could see some of what was given away....

                This one was for a father and son that cute!

            GO HOGS!!
                        Darren McFadden...who would not want that!
                          Shane cooked the burgers and hot dogs....
                                                 Gary watched......
                                                Shane did a great job!
                           We had a nice group of people to hang out with.

              Wayne and Peggy Ledbetter. House parents and Pruitt Cottage
Mrs. Debbie and her family.

We had a really good time and really appreciate all the hard work everyone put into the event. We enjoyed our visitors and pray that the Lord blesses them richly.

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