Sunday, June 26, 2011


We left out on Tuesday morning with the senior boys and girls headed for Super Summer Camp at OBU in Arkadelphia. We got there to a flood of kids. Turns out that there was over 1,100 kids at just at the Senior high camp this year. Amazing! The first day I got there our activities director told me that one of our girls in junior camp had accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. I was excited before camp even started! We got checked in and went to our dorms to unpack. After unpacking we headed for dinner and then to church service. John Randal's was our speaker. I don't know if you have heard of him but he is an awesome messenger for God. He talked to the kids in language they could understand. "Yo-Dog", dude, etc. LOL He talked about being dangerous disciples for God. He said; The rain is coming. If you don't want to get in, tread water cause it ain't my problem! He preached a great sermon. The kids went by tens to the alter. They had so many people go to the front of the church that they had to pull all the adults out of the crowd to go and pray with the kids. It was beautiful work God was doing. I'm not sure how many decisions were made that night but it was a bunch! We had a concert outside afterwards called; "The After party." All the kids hung out together, ate snacks and worshiped with the praise band. We had to be in our dorms and lights out by 11:30. We never made it on time due to us always running behind schedule, but we didn't mind. The next day the kids went to their group meeting and the adults went to theirs. They asked for Volunteers to help run the concession stands, the recreational activities and the nurses station. I volunteered for the nurses station. I'm not sure what I was thinking. LOL. I got called all the time. But I guess with 1,100 students I should have known that. I would like to say Thank You to my new friend, Ben Ford. I was at church camp for 2 days before I found out that there was a place to buy unsweet tea. If you know me, you know that I have to have my tea. I was standing in line waiting to pay for me tea. It was lunch time and the line was so long. While I was waiting I got a call on the radio that I needed to go for a student that passed out. The man in front of me heard the radio and grabbed my tea and said; Go, I will get this for you. I was talking to the girl that passed out when he came in with my tea....and a straw. I tried to pay him for it but he said; No, this ones on me. Nice guy and a living example of why we were at camp.
We had a good day Wednesday. All the kids were doing great and showing up to their groups when they were supposed to. We were so proud of them. We went to church services that night. Again he talked about being a dangerous disciple. (Romans 8:29) I KNOW WHO I AM....I KNOW WHO I SERVE....AND I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING! There is a price to be paid, and I'm ready to pay it. He said that Jesus did not use the word "Christian." He said, Jesus used the word "disciple." The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John do not have the word "Christian" in them at all. The word "Christian" is not mentioned until the book of Acts 11:26. Again at invitation, the kids flocked to the Alter in by tens. I was sitting there watching them all go up and I started thinking to myself, Wow, if my daddy had not raised me in a Christian home, where would I be today? I began thanking my daddy while sitting there watching these children. Thanking him for being a dangerous disciple and telling him I would see him again one day when I get to Heaven. We had taken a girl with us that was starting to question this "Jesus" guy, but she said she was not quite sure he would die for her. She didn't think anyone could die for someone they didn't even know. She went to the front but when it came time to pray, she wasn't ready. But it wasn't over....there was still 2 days to go. I heard nurse duty pretty much the whole time we were there. I stayed busy. During recreational activities the young ladies were getting too hot and passing out. People were getting hurt on tug-a-war. We had so many people in the nurses room that we had to lay them on the sidewalk and put fans on them. It was so hot! I stayed pretty busy nursing while I was there but it was a good way to minister. One of the girls I went to take care of turned out to be someone I knew. During worship service they came in the chapel and got me to go take care of a girl in the lobby. I went out there and started helping her. I asked her what her last name was and she told me. I recognized the name but it's not a common name and I asked her if she knew my primary care doctor. She said yes, that's my mom. Turns out that the primary care doctor who has taken care of me for over 20 years, roles reversed. I was now taking care of her daughter. Talk about Karma. LOL The next day was another great worship day. The band was, "Two Empty Chairs." I don't know if you are familiar with them, but you should look them up and listen to their songs also. They put on a great worship service. Larry, the lead singer, started crying one night and said; I will never forget Super Summer. He said; I finally get what true worship is all about and you kids at Super Summer have changed me. He said; I will never forget you guys. In the picture below you will see how much the kids enjoyed their band and how they worshiped while they played. It was awesome to be a part of this.
The preacher preached his sermon on being a Shark and not a feeder fish. Be the dangerous disciple and don't let the predators invade your home. He said; "Friends come and go but enemies accumulate." He also said it takes 25 touches (estimated) to lead someone to Christ. He said you can be the first touch, the 15th or the 25th and have the privilege to lead that person to Christ. But you have to create relationships to lead them to Christ. You have to gain their trust and start witnessing. Most importantly you must become a good listener. You have to stop and listen to what they are saying. Tune your ears to listen...stop talking and just listen to what they need and what they have to say. Target people and build relationships. Build good character, earn trust and witness to people.  Be a dangerous disciple! Be the Shark not the feeder fish. I KNOW WHO I AM, I KNOW WHO I SERVE AND I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING. There is a price to be paid...I'm ready to pay it! That night we had several more make commitments to God. We also had one of our seniors give her life to Christ. It was the one who thought that a guy named "Jesus" could not have died for her. This Jesus guy that didn't know her.....she fell in love with. It's hard to believe if you don't know Jesus, but we know Jesus and we know how Awesome and Forgiving our Savior is...Amen! She was saved from a Devils Hell that night. Praise the Lord. Coffey Anderson came and performed a concert for us on Friday. It was really great. His wife went in to labor and he had to boogie out of their. Look him up on You-Tube. He is doing a video of us at Super Summer. He was so funny and sung so well. I love to worship with music. I had great bonding time with the kids and enjoyed just stopping in the middle of the day, going to the chapel and praying for them. Such a Hugh impact can be made with prayer. Prayer is powerful. God is going to answer but it is going to be in his time and the answer he wants, not the answer we necessarily want. It was such a great week and I grew in the Lord so much. I learned things about myself that I am going to work on changing. I want to be a dangerous disciple. In the end we heard that over a 300 were saved and over 600 kids made personal commitment's to Christ.

These are my friends The Luchador's!
They put on skits for us. They were so funny! We had such a great time watching them.
You can look them up on You-Tube and watch some of their stuff.

PRAISE THE LORD! GOD IS STILL IN THE MIRACLE BUSINESS. I was so blessed to be a part of God's ministry this week. I am so privileged that he used me to help him with these kids. God is so Awesome!! We got home Saturday afternoon and we were all dog tired. I think I could probably sleep for two days straight. It's wonderful to go to camp....but it's also wonderful to come back home. I challenge you to go out and be a dangerous disciple for God today! I KNOW WHO I AM....I KNOW WHO I SERVE...AND I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!


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