Friday, June 10, 2011


I have been helping a good friend of mine prepare for a mission trip this week. He is going with our church to Kansas to witness to people. We came up with the ideal of making cards with Bible verses on them so they could hand them out with their tracks. We have worked all week on them and made almost 200! My daughter, Lyndsie, helped and we all had such a good time. It took us about 4 days to do them and several hours but it was worth every second. Making as many as we did gave us the opportunity to look up many Bible verses for each card. It was an amazing Bible study for me, and it came at a much needed time. I have had a lot going on in my life this week and I really needed God's direction. He showed me several verses in the Bible while doing these cards and let me know in each of them that I could depend on him. It's amazing how our Lord and Savior works. He knew I needed this Bible study and he gave me the time to help out. Thank you Lord for being my Great and Almighty Father. I hope each card made touches a life, all for your glory. Please pray for the people going on this trip. They leave tomorrow for a week. Pray that many people come to know Christ as their personal Savior.....and even so Come Lord Jesus Come! God bless you!

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