Saturday, June 18, 2011


I got down on my knees, and told God I didn't have a clue.
That's when he whispered, Oh but child I do.

I placed the stars in the sky one by one,
I hung the moon and I painted the Sun.
I named each bird and taught them how to fly,
and I gave them wings to soar into the sky.

And then there was you,
.........I knew what to do.

I gave you the power to love and be loved,
And I give you daily blessings, sprinkled from above.
When you are weak and feeling led astray,
I give you the strength to make it through the day.
And when you feel alone and don't know what to do,
I place the people in your life to help you make it through.

Child don't be dismayed, just know that I love you...
and when you feel like you are going to fall, I'll come to your rescue.

The night those tears fell from your face when you were feeling blue,
You thought no one noticed.....but my child I knew.

There is nothing you could do,
to ever make me stop loving you.
Because when it came to creating you, my dear child.....I knew.

Denise Rochester

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