Sunday, June 12, 2011


Yesterday we had Alumni day here at ABC Homes. We met some really nice people that grew up here. One man had lived here between the years of 1958-1970. He said those years were some of the best years of his life. He toured the cottage and told us some stories. Each room held a special memory for him. This was his home....and in some way, still is. There was also a man that came with his wife. The man was carrying a rose. Another car pulled up with a man and woman in it. They got out and walked toward the crowd. The man with the rose went over and handed the lady the long stem rose. He said; This is for you. They had spent some of their teenage years here at ABC Homes and were childhood friends. He just wanted to bring her a rose and let her know he cared. I thought it was sweet that the gentleman had fond memories of a girl while here. They had both grown up and married other people and had gone on with their lives. God knew the ultimate plan. They had a reason for being here and they had a reason for leaving...even if they left friends they loved behind. I bet he has thought of his time here and his friends often. I imagine many of them have. The turn out was great. Some of the stories told and memories recalled were fascinating. I just pray that the kids we have spent time with have those fond memories to hold dear as they grow up, leave and move on with their lives. I know there are kids that I will remember for as long as I live. They have made a Hugh impact on my life. Friends and family for a life time....and a place they called home.  Hold your friends dear.....God bless you!

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