Sunday, June 5, 2011


We have had a busy weekend. Friday night we had our campus "Out of school" picnic. We had face painting, hamburgers and hot dogs and just let the kids hang around and visit. Saturday I helped two of our boys pack. They went home today. They have been here for almost 2 years. Really nice boys and they are going back home to family. That's the hardest part of my job. Saying good-bye. I'm just not good at it! I get attached to the kids then don't want to share them with anyone. :) Lyndsie and me made them their favorite cake. It was strawberry cake topped with chocolate icing and strawberries. We invited the other cottages over and let the kids hang out and say there good-byes.  I wrote them a letter and put it with their luggage so they could read it when they got home. I walked out to the van to say the final good-bye and they already had their letters out reading them. They both drew me a picture to hang on my bedroom door in the cottage. (Some of the boys are really bad about leaving their Face book up. So, when they do, sometimes I have a tendency to post something nice about myself on their status. LOL The boys will usually get on their and post that they were "hacked.") One of the boys put on his picture; 'Dear Mrs. Denise, I love you very much and will miss you very much. And No, I was not hacked!' LOL I thought it was cute. I'm going to miss them dearly. Today I just went in their rooms and stood and looked at how empty the rooms were. I didn't like it! I wanted to see their things back in there. I know. I'm selfish. I'm sure they are thrilled to be at home with their family...but it doesn't make me miss them any less. All the kids here are good kids. They just need someone to love them. I pray that these boys have wonderful new beginnings with their family. I pray that they have left here knowing that they were loved while they were here. And I pray that while they were here, they seen God in us and will carry that on to someone else. Love you boys and wish you the best. God bless you always!

                              TURN FROM EVIL AND DO GOOD;
                                 SEEK PEACE AND PURSUE IT.
                                            PSALM 34:14

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