Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I got off this morning and I feel like I have been run over by a truck! I think I am mentally exhausted. Everything just seemed to go wrong yesterday. I moved from SB Cottage to IB Cottage because we had one of our house parents going for a procedure. All is well with her. Thank you Jesus. In IB Cottage, one of the boys decided to play in the house and ended up punching a window and breaking it out. Thank goodness no one was hurt. The air conditioner in the house leaked and soaked by bedroom floor. I can say that in the end, none of it really mattered. I lived through it and it was no big deal. It just seemed like a big deal at the time. I spent today helping my friend make the cards to give out on their mission trip next week. I hope that many people learn how much Jesus loves them. They are going to an Indian college. Pray that many kids are reached through their ministry. I go to Super Summer in a couple of weeks with the kids here on campus. I am looking forward to it but I'm trying to get in all the rest I can before I go. :)
God is so good! I know that a lot of great things are happening and HE is going to equip me with everything I need to make it through. I do have a couple of prayer request. My grandmother is in the hospital and ill. Please pray for divine intervention for her. My cousin who is in his forties is in the hospital with heart failure. Please pray that they find a heart for him soon. His sister, who was in her thirties and a single mom of two, just died from heart failure last year. Their family is in much need of faithful prayer warriors. I pray that you all have a great day and can see the love of God. Take a look at the picture below. That's where I would love to be right now. Peace and quiet. LOL I probably would not even enjoy the quietness anymore. I'm so used to having all the kids around now, that it just doesn't seem normal to not have a house full of kids and noise. I pray you feel peace in your life today. God bless you!

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