Thursday, June 30, 2011


I know it's been a few days since I have written. Gary and me have been under a little stress and I have had a lot on our mind. For those of you that don't know, Gary and I have resigned from ABC Homes and will be going home to our family in two weeks. We are just spending the precious time we have left with our wonderful boys and not taking advantage of any of it! We are taking one of the boys with us and are very excited about that. He is part of our family and he has made the decision to join us when we leave. We are so grateful God has allowed us to share our family with him. I know this seems sudden, and I must say that it was unexpected for us to. We just feel that God is moving us on to a different ministry. We are leaving precious friends behind that we love and will miss dearly. I will continue to post on the blog and feel lead to continue doing daily devotions. Please pray for the ministry and the kids. We did get a new boy in the cottage on Tuesday and he needs prayer. Adjusting is the hardest part. Please pray for our family and where God will be taking us. We love you and may God bless you all!


  1. Im going to miss you all so much, and I want you to know that you were wonderful people who have helped me throughout this past year! I love you! Come back to see us!

  2. We love you too Erica. Don't worry, you guys are a big part of our family and we will be back to see you. Love you sooo much!
