Sunday, July 3, 2011



A group came and did a firework show for us Friday night. Our dog, Maggie, is deathly afraid of thunderstorms. She was outside when the fireworks started and she took off running without us knowing. Lyndsie got Maggie for Christmas when she was young. Maggie was only a few weeks old and she will be 11 years old this October. She has never ran away before. We spent about 3 hours Friday night looking for her but did not find her. Saturday morning I got the boys out and we drove the streets and then walked for a while....but still no Maggie. A very good friend of mine had also been spending several hours looking for her. Lyndsie made Reward posters for Maggie on Saturday and she went Saturday afternoon to hang them up. It was around 7:00 PM last night and Lyndsie and I decided to call the search off for the night. We were very upset because Maggie was not an outside dog. She did not like the heat and she slept on a comfy bed. We were worried about where she was sleeping and how she was making it through the hot days. Lyndsie and I could not sleep without her....we were worried sick! Our friend, Jonathan, decided he was going to take Ethan and go and hang more posters and look for Maggie a little longer. When he left with Ethan, I had this horrible thought. Gary and I resigned from ABC Homes the previous Tuesday and Gary was wanting to go to another children's ministry. I told him that I could not go because they don't allow pets there and I wasn't leaving Maggie with any one. I was texting my mom and telling her what if God took her from me because I said no to his will. A couple of years back  I told God I was going to be a "Yes God" disciple, and now I was saying No?? I text my mom and said; Whether God gives me Maggie back or not, I'm going to be a "Yes God" disciple! Whatever or where ever he wants me to go....I will go. Less than 5 minutes after I sent that text my friend called and said; WE FOUND MAGGIE! He said he was fixing to turn around because Ethan said she would not have walked that far when he seen a dog walking in the middle of the road. Ethan called her name and she ran to the car. She was covered in hitch hikers and exhausted but she was fine. She came home and we gave her a bath, she drank a ton of water and ate what seemed to be forever. I realized that when God had reminded me of my promise to be a "Yes God" disciple, and I told him I was sorry...he gave me Maggie back. Sometimes when we think we have it all figured out, that's when God reminds us he is in control. God will speak to us. Sometimes he will use the closet things or people to our hearts to get to us. Whatever if takes....God had the final word. I'm a "YES GOD" DISCIPLE. Send me....I will go!


1 comment:

  1. No thanks needed! I am just glad she is okay! Love you guys too!!
