Thursday, July 14, 2011


Yesterday we got moved back to Benton. We love the house and love the quiet time right now. We do miss all the kiddos at the home though. We still have a lot of boxes to sort through so I guess that's how I will spend my day today. I got up this morning, at 10:30, Gary and Jackie were on the back porch doing their Bible study. I thought that was sweet. Watching them two together study about God. I believe God has worked all of this out for a great reason. I know he has big plans for our family and we are excited about our next ministry. We are even more excited that God has given us another son to teach about his love. We got custody of Jackie last week and he is very excited about getting opportunities to preach. We are very excited we could give him a family to grow with. I'm trying to learn to forgive today. We were told a lot of things before we moved that really caused anger and pain in our hearts. We are praying for love and for God to give us the peace we need to forgive. We are praying for God to open hearts and to soften them for his ministry. We are trying to remember that it was all for God's glory.... God loves us so much and we know that he is marking the path ahead of us. This post is going to be the close of this blog. We loved our time at ABC Homes but felt that God was moving us on. Sometimes his will even hurts but we must follow and obey. We love the kids there so much and will always pray for them...and we will always have a very special place in our hearts for them. They are great kids and care so much about people. I know that God is going to do great things in their lives.  I hope you have a great day today. Thank you for being so faithful to pray for the ministry and for these awesome kids. May God richly bless you! We love you. 
Love, The Rochester's

JOHN 3:16 God loves the world!!!

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