Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm still walking. Trying to lose some weight and feel better about my health. Gary and I were off today so I took advantage of this gorgeous day! We have a new house parent couple that started this week. She also likes to walk. Today we walked from the home to down town then back home again. (After we stopped at Sonic) Once we got back home we went and clocked how far we walked. We walked 4.4 miles! Go us!! It was the perfect day to walk and I enjoyed talking to her. It's always fun to find out how God brings people to the home. God works in mighty ways. Things you never thought you would do, God may ask you to do. You just have to be willing and ready to say yes! Even if you feel like your not capable, I promise you if God is asking you do to something, he will equip you with the tools to do the job. God blesses you so much if you are in obedience of his will. Walk for Jesus! Make all your walks for Jesus and he will bless you steps. Have a wonderful day and God bless you!

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