Friday, October 29, 2010


Do you ever under estimate the power of a child? So often I think that it's up the the adults to witness and "God only work's through us" attitude. I am guilty. But I had a Hugh eye opener at how awesome our God is and how much he uses each and every single child of his. During our church service Sunday a child let the congregation know just how much God loved them. We have this game the preacher does with the children before service called, "the mystery box." A child will bring an item to be put in the box and the preacher, without knowing what is in the box, will pull it out and give a message on it. Kind of whatever pops in his mind about the object. Well, this past Sunday the preacher reached in the box and it was empty. Someone had forgotten to place an object in the box. The preacher kinda smiled and said; Well kids, ready to go back to your seats? One little boy raised his hand and said; "Preacher, that box is not empty. God's love is in that box." Well the preacher smiled and the congregation began to clap. The preacher gave a 5 minute sermon on how God's love was everywhere, including in the box. He asked all the kid's to reach in and get some of God's love and throw it out in the congregation. Just a perfect example that God's love is EVERYWHERE! God used a 7 year old boy to let people know that he loved them. Well, I am a very proud mother. Because the little boy that raised his hand was my son, Ethan. He is learning so much by being here at ABC Homes. He is learning how fun it is having older and younger siblings and he is learning how God is all around us and everywhere we go. Just goes to show you that God uses the little people too. :)
God bless you all. Have an awesome God loves you day!

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