Friday, February 4, 2011


                  Humble: To make meek or lower in importance.

The definition of humble says we should make ourselves least important. As a mom we can expect most mothers to say their children come first. Most men would say their jobs come first. In our minds that seems like the way it should be. But God says to put him above all and everything. I make a mistake in doing that daily. I always have something to preoccupy my mind and the Devil tricking me into thinking something else is more important. I want to humble myself for Christ and make sure that he will always come first in my life. I never want to come across to anyone that I'm more important than they are. I know that God made them just the same as he made me. I love my husband, my kids, my family, friends and my precious mother. I lift them up to daily to God. But I also know that without my God, they would not exist. None of us would. Let's try and humble ourselves today and put everything we can above our own needs and wants. Let's see how that changes our look on things. We might be surprised how much closer that brings us to Jesus today. Love you all and I am praying we all will be able to find ourselves truly humbled today.

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.        
                                   James 4:6 & 10

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