Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We just finished up our week with the big guys. We had a pretty good week. The boys didn't give us too hard of a time. We gave them a pretty good hard time though. LOL They are really looking forward to tomorrow to see if it's going to snow or not. The kids will be in school until next winter if it don't quit snowing! We did get a new guy in each of our cottages and the girls got one also. Please pray for these kids and for their parents. It's always hard to be separated from your family. Gary and I are doing well but feel very exhausted. I am so thankful that God carries us when we feel like we can't stand anymore. Ethan is doing a little better. He seems to be happier this week. Please keep praying for him. Lyndsie is at college. Hopefully she won't get snowed in. She's like me and her grandmother, when she gets trapped inside she goes crazy! God bless each of you and thank you for your continued prayers.

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