Friday, February 11, 2011


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We will be with the senior boys this week. We have a new boy in the cottage and we are praying he will do well. Ethan went to the doctor 2 weeks ago. We knew he was losing weight but we found out he had lost 13 lbs in one month. The doctor put him on an antidepressant. I was very hesitant to give it to him but I did go ahead and give it to him one morning. I felt burdened about it and did not give him anymore after the first dose. I quit giving it to him, put it in God's hands and prayed that God would make him better. I requested my online friends to pray. Well I am happy to say that Ethan is doing so much better. He has been himself the last 3 days. He ate a good dinner last night and then asked for a P & J sandwich. I would have went and got him a steak if that was what he wanted. I think we are on our way to seeing the old Ethan back. Thank you for praying for him and please continue to pray. God bless you all.
Love, Denise


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