Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today the boys played soccer ball and then went out back and hit golf balls. They just goofed off and had a good time. It was a beautiful day and I was glad that we were able to enjoy it with the boys. We met the new relief house parents for the girls. They have 2 boys around Ethan's age so he has someone to play with now. I'm really excited about that. The new relief seem really nice. I think they will fit in just fine with the girls. I am sad to see Mr. Floyd and Mrs. Jane leave. I will miss them very much and I'm sure the girls will also. Ethan and another house parents kid were out in the field riding 4-wheelers and the other boy wrecked. He is at the hospital now being checked out. Please pray for him. He's going to be fine but I'm sure he will be sore for a while. Ethan really likes him and feels horrible about him wrecking. Ethan just started crying because he was worried about him. Not such a good ending for such a gorgeous day. Boys will be boys though. They play rough. I think that's just their nature. Ethan has been stitched up 3 times and I fear there are many more to come with as rough as he plays. I hope you all enjoyed your day and I pray that when you go to church tomorrow, God speaks directly to you. God bless you and we love you!

Good news. The little man who wrecked the 4-wheeler is doing well. Nothing broken. They are gluing his chin and sending him home. Thank you Lord for taking care of him.

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