Saturday, February 12, 2011


Well my husband, Mr. Romeo, tried to surprise me for Valentines. The boys have a hard time keeping secrets though. Gary planned dinner and invited several couples to attend. He cooked the food with the help of some of the boys and decorated the room beautifully. He worked so hard and did a great job. The food was awesome. Baked Chicken, roasted potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls and desserts. Everything was perfect. We put the Russell's and the Looper's on the stage to play the "Not so newly wed" game. It was a lot of fun. It's amazing how much you think you know about your spouse until your put on the spot. Some of the questions almost caused a divorce. LOL Just kidding. It was a lot of fun and they were great participants. We had a really good time and the boys were so proud of themselves for putting together the banquet. Hats off to them. They all did a great job and I love each and every one of them and appreciate everything they did so we could have a special night.
The boy's helping out. 
(Ethan) Now why are we here again?? 
Leonard and Joyce Russell
House Parent's at SB Cottage 
The Looper sister's 
Cindy Russell (R) (House Parent at IB Cottage)
& Cindy Looper (L)
Gary and Ethan trying to pull off a surprise...I caught them :) 
Playing the "Not so Newly Wed game."
If they could just remember.....anything about their wife. LOL
Decorated beautifully 
After it was all said and done, the boys dog piled Gary!
What a great night. I LOVE YOU Mr. Romeo!

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