Saturday, February 12, 2011


Dear Lord I come to you today not knowing how to pray,
I know to bow my head but I'm not sure exactly what to say.
I hope your awake as I go down my list today,
Dear God I hope you have a while and if not, it's ok.
I made a big mistake and I can't fix it alone,
I became a little weary trying to do it on my own.
I thought that I could handle it because I am so strong,
but now I realize that I was so very wrong.
When I fall and then can't seem to stand,
you've always reached down and given me your hand.
When I've felt alone and needed just one friend,
you were always there from the beginning to the end.
I come to you today to ask if you could please forgive me,
I can't do this on my own and that's clear as can be.
I'm trying hard to let you have ALL control,
and to let myself and my selfish pride go.
So Lord I hope you get this and I hope you understand,
I know I'm no one important but will gladly accept your hand.
I'll try harder to depend on you and not do this on my own,
for I am the weak one and you alone are strong.
Lord, I'll let you go now for I know it's getting late,
I know you must be tired from watching over me all day,
I'd like to say thank you for keeping me safe from harm,
and thank you that when I fall, youe there to hold me your arms.
I hope I spoke loud enough so that you could hear,
just how much I love you and how much I hold you dear.
Thank you for listening to what I had to say,
and Lord thank you for teaching me how to pray.
                                       Denise Rochester

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