Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I was up until 1:30am this morning trying to get my notes done on the kid's. We had a rough day yesterday. Things just didn't go "our way." I was so tired and my eye's so heavy. The boy's had given us such a hard time. I was questioning God. Are you sure this is what we are suppose to be doing? This is so hard!!!!
God never said that our job would be easy. God said go to my children and witness to them. You are going to have good days and you are going to have bad days. We had some defiance from a kid last night that normally is so well mannered. After talking to him I realized that Gary and I were being too insensitive to his needs. Not stopping to realize why he was here and not feeling his pain. Sitting on his bed talking to him, I started feeling his pain. I started feeling how hard this transition is for him..and us to. I started being not only his guardian but his mom, if only for a while. This morning I was up at 5:15 for devotion, breakfast and chores. At devotion all the kid's chimed in. I realized that God is still teaching me. I am here for them. No matter how hard it gets. God is with me and still teaching me. I know he Love's me and is going to hold my hand through this. Getting my hugs this morning from the kid's makes it all worth it!  Thank you Lord for teaching me that I still need to learn.


  1. Hang in there my sweet daughter. God STILL has blessings for you and Gary. When things are going tough, just know that its the devil and he don't want to to get the blessings you so deserve. You know it has to be God being with you when old slue-foot starts his actions. Praying for you.

  2. Slue-foot makes me miss Bro. Larry. :)
