Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Need a cure for insomnia.....?

I have always had trouble sleeping. If I was able to go to sleep I wasn't able to stay asleep. Problem solved. How you ask? Work for ABC Homes and cure your insomnia. :-)  I have no trouble sleeping any more. When my head hits the pillow I'm out in less than 2 minutes, literally!  I've tried for years to fix the issue my self but it just took a little dose of working for Jesus to help me get to sleep. All kidding aside, it's a great place to work for the Lord. Very exhausting at times but always worth it in the morning. Thank you Jesus, for you work in mysterious ways. God is good all the time.....all the time God is good. (for my very precious friend Bro. Larry Ballard)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.                                        GALATIANS 6:9

1 comment:

  1. Dont know what i'd do without you. You are a ray of sunshine. So glad you can sleep now.
