Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have come home to visit my mom and just have mom and me time. It has been much needed. I have not gotten to spend quality time with her since I started working at the home 8 months ago. I miss my mommy! When one of our boys left Tuesday night, I was very sad and I just felt like I needed a break. So home is where I went. It has been very nice visiting with my mom and just hanging out. It makes me really sad to know that the kids we have who would love to spend time with their moms, are not always able to do that. I do feel better knowing that for the little time that we have them, they know that we love them and would do anything possible for them to be happy. I would take them shopping, go to their ballgames and watch movies with them all day everyday if that was what they needed to make then know they are loved. Today my mom and me went purse shopping. She bought a purse. And then I said; Mom, let's go look at new cars. We don't have to buy one, let's just go drive them. So, my mom came home with here new purse and this...
Yes, she bought one. It's beautiful and I am very happy for her. She works hard and she deserves it! Lyndsie, my daughter, took her last final in college today. She is packing today and headed home in the morning. I am excited to have her back at home and not so far away from me. Congratulations Lyndsie! You have done very well and I am very proud of you. You will always make me proud and I will always love matter what! It's taking a while to clean her dorm and pack her up though. She is kind of messy. Don't tell her I said so though. :)  I hope you all have a blessed day. If you can, call your mom and tell her you love her. God bless you all! 

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