Sunday, May 1, 2011


Wow. We have had such a busy weekend. It's been a nice weekend though. Fortunately, for us, the weather has stayed pretty. Yesterday we took the boys to a movie and then had our music minister over for dinner. It was really nice getting to visit with him and learn more about him. I love making new friends and getting to know people who are in love with God. This morning we all got ready and went to church. Gary and I have been contemplating joining the church but had not really made the final move yet. I told Gary, I'm not joining on a Sunday morning, there are too many people who attend in the morning time. I will join on a Sunday night. (So I said) Well, God showed me who was boss. When the invitation song started my feet were headed to the preacher. We joined church this morning. Yes, on a Sunday morning that I had told God I could not do. He showed me I could. Isn't it nice how God just pulls you out of your comfort zone when he is ready for you to move! Thank you Lord, because you know I'm stubborn. That was kind of the final step for us committing ourselves to the ministry here at the home. Joining up with 2nd Baptist in Monticello. We started our revival this morning. Rev. Billy Graham is preaching it himself. No, not "the" Billy Graham. But they both preach about the same Jesus. This man is older, in a wheel chair and blind. He recites the Bible word for word. It was a great message and I am looking forward to hearing him again tomorrow night. After church we went to a choir concert that 2 of our boys were in. That was really nice. The kids did a great job singing. We came home from that and had to leave for a horse ministry event that we were going to watch. The man takes a untamed horse, and tames it while you are watching. While he is taming the horse, he talks about how the horse is relevant to our lives with God. He talked about the horse being stubborn and unmovable, kind of like we are when God wants us to do something and we say no. (Like joining church on Sunday morning) Eventually, the horse decides he has to move to get somewhere. Just like us. Eventually, we get tired and worn down and just say God, here I am. Move me at your will. It was pretty neat watching the show and realizing how much the horse to man, is like the man to God. We all have to be tamed. The young girl that was helping tame horse's made me cry. She started talking about how close she is to her dad. She and her dad tame these horses together. She said that her daddy is always there whenever she needs him. It got me thinking about my dad and how much I miss him. I always said; My daddy could fix anything. Then I started thinking about the kids we are with. I started wondering what was going through their minds when she was talking about how close she is to her daddy. I wondered if they were thinking the same thing I was. Sometimes we also have to be grateful for what we don't have. I hope you all have a good night. God bless you and sleep well.

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