Monday, May 23, 2011


God blessed me and let me see something beautiful yesterday. Most of the kids on campus have someone that sponsor's them and sends them cards and things. One of our boys in the Senior Cottage has had his sponsor since he came to the campus in October 2010. We had a church group come yesterday and I was showing them around the cottage and all the boy's rooms. When we got to one of our guys rooms I watched an older gray haired man pick up a Bible off of the bed. He turned around to me and said; Hi. I'm Mr. Yarberry. I bought this Bible for this young man and I am so glad to see that he is using it. I immediately recognized his name from all the kind card's and gifts that he sends to this kid. I said; Oh, stay right here. I know he is going to want to meet you. I sent someone to the park to grab him. When he came in I told him who the man was that was standing in his room. This kid embraced this man with a Hugh hug and the older man started crying. I told him he has made a Hugh impact on the life of this kid and we really appreciated him being there for him. He said; I have waited so long to meet him. It was a beautiful moment. I will never forget it. Our student and the man hung out together the rest of the day getting to know each other. He even sat and watched a video on the first sermon our kid preached. I was so glad to be able to see them loving each other through Christ. It was almost like a long lost friend that he had finally found. I hope when I get to Heaven God just grabs and hugs me, never wanting to let me go. I know that's what I desire to do. Have a great day. God bless you!

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