Saturday, May 21, 2011


When we first came to the children's home we didn't know quite what to expect. We had a kid here that wanted to ask God to let him be one of the devil's demon's. My son was so afraid of him. He slapped my son in the face once and threatened to do it again several other times. We had to push Ethan's bedroom furniture in front of his door because he was afraid this kid was going to come in and hurt him in the middle of the night. That was almost 9 months ago. We slowly worked with this guy on how to treat smaller children and how to become a Godly man. Over this month's, this man became saved, started witnessing to other kids and has preached in a couple of churches. Not only did God change him for the ministry, he changed him for Ethan. Ethan calls him his brother now. They hang out and love on each other. Last night me and Ethan were laying in bed. Ethan said; 'Mom, I'm so glad God brought us here. Some days I like it and some days I don't, but I am glad God gave me Jackie for a brother. If we ever leave, I am going to take Jackie with me, because he's my brother and I love him so much!'
That was pretty powerful coming from an 8 year old. He has seen the change God made in Jackie's life and he gave God credit for it. God can do amazing things! He took a kid that my son was scared to death of, and turned him in to his brother in Christ. He is part of our family now. I love how God work's! The "I AM" is awesome! God bless you!

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