Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Man, I seen this picture and I thought; WoW! I would love to hear God say; Son, go get my children!! I hope that day is soon. The earth is in pitiful shape. People are getting to where they have less of a heart for other's and seem to focus more on themselves. It's all about what will make us happy, not what we can do to help someone else. Can you imagine God standing and looking at the earth. I know he has to be so sad. I just see tears falling from his face. It's not a nice feeling knowing that my heavenly father is sheding tears over what he is seeing. We have really messed this place up. His beautiful creation destroyed by lack of love. Today I was on my daily walk. I didn't even make it out of sight of the children's home before a dog bite me. The police came and told me to go to the doctor because the dog had not had any shots. While I was at the doctor one of my friends text me. I told her I was at the doctor and would text her later. Of course she asked what was wrong and I told her. Her reply was; sue them! I didn't reply back but it just made me sad that people's first thought is what they can get out of something. I felt sorry for the poor man who had his dog taken away. Yes, he should have obeyed the laws, but suing him was not going to make my leg better. I want to try and focus more on what will make my father happy. What can I do to please him? What can I do to make someone elses life a little bit easier? Lord, I pray that I'm always on the path you chose for me. I pray that whoever you place in my life, I am able to make them a little happier than they were before I met them. I pray that they see you through me. I have to go to court from the dog bite. The police officer said they would order me to go because this man has had warnings about his dog already. I pray that something good comes out of this. I hung out with the youth tonight at church and one of them said the closing prayer. He said; 'Lord, please help us to know everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, there is a reason and you know what that reason is.' I thought, this dog bite happened for a reason. Maybe God is going to put the owner of this dog in my life to witness to. Who knows? God knows. God knows all. Think about what you can do to make your father smile today. What can you do that will be pleasing in your father's eyes? If you are focusing on pleasing him, you may be surprised how many opportunities he gives to you. I would love to hear about some of them. Please be sure and tell me who God put in your path today to do something special for. God bless you!

(Wouldn't you love to hear your father say; I am so pleased with you?) In everything you do, let it be pleasing to the Lord)

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