Sunday, May 15, 2011

We do serve a mighty and awesome God. We have had a very good weekend. The weather was beautiful, though a bit chilly and the kids have been good. Gary took the boys fishing yesterday and Lyndsie and me went and painted our music minister's apartment. It took us a while but the apartment turned out very nice and he was very pleased with it. One of our boys is spending a week with his mom this week. He got a cell phone yesterday. He graduated this week and when you graduate you are allowed to buy a cell phone. I took him to buy the cell phone yesterday and he has been texting me like crazy! LOL  He has even done a couple of prank calls on my daughter. He's having fun and he deserves it. Graduating high school is a great accomplishment. I am very proud of him. I hope you are all having a good weekend. The weather is nice again today. Go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation. God bless you!

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